
Eratosthenes was the guy who came up with the science we know as Geography, and he was the first person to prove that the Earth was round.

Death of a Lawyer

Clement Vallandigham was an outspoken anti-war, pro-Confederate democrat. He came up with the snappy slogan, "To maintain the Constitution as it is, and to restore the Union as it was."

Villa Diodati

It was on a rainy night in 1816 that a bunch of friends gathered at a summer house near Lake Geneva. Their collective creativity would mark a pivotal moment in horror history. 

The Mississauga Blob

A mysterious flaming blob flew into Traven Matchett's backyard in southern Ontario. The fiery object nearly hit his nineteen-year-old daughter, Donna, in the head.

The Swan King

During his 22-year reign as the King of Bavaria, Ludwig II earned a reputation as a wild eccentric who loved to build fantastic castles. His death was extremely suspicious.

Mir Diamond Mine

Over the 50 years the open-pit mine operated it became one of the largest manmade holes on earth. A truck starting at the rim of the mine would take 2 hours to reach the bottom.