UFOs and Nukes

UFOs and Nukes

October 27, 1975 - Just after 8PM on this night, an airman stationed at Loring Air Force Base in northern Maine spotted a UFO. The unidentified craft was flying at an altitude of 300 feet and it had a steady red light and a flashing white light. The object was also detected on the base's radar, but numerous attempts at radio contact went unanswered.

As the UFO approached an area containing nuclear weapons, the base went into alert mode. For the next 40 minutes, numerous witnesses watched as the mysterious visitor circled the base and hovered over high security zones. Then, the object flew away and disappeared from radar.

The next night it returned. This time airmen were able to get an even closer look at the UFO. They described a silent craft that was about 40-feet long and shaped like an elongated football. It was windowless and had an orange-red color. The object seemed to be interested in the parts of the base that housed nuclear weapons.

After a helicopter from the Maine National Guard was dispatched to intercept the UFO, the craft darted away.

Over the course of the next few days there were other reports of similar sightings on military bases across the country. In one incident over a Montana missile site there were numerous witnesses on the ground who could see a UFO playing a game of cat and mouse with fighter planes. The craft seemed to be teasing the planes by occasionally revealing itself with lights blazing. After a short chase it would dim its lights and drop behind some trees to hide.

This cluster of sightings in October of 1975 includes some of the most well-documented UFO cases with the highest number of witnesses. Since most of the encounters happened around nuclear weapons arsenals, the military has kept a tight lid on their subsequent investigations.

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