A tormented elephant meets a shocking fate.
A mysterious bright object goes BOOM!
Daryl Dragon died on this day. You may remember him as the Captain.
A peace-loving hermit tried to break up a gladiator battle. It didn’t end well.
The 20-person party crowded inside the creature to eat, drink and celebrate the New Year. By all accounts it was a lively event.
92 of 159 passengers would die when a wrought-iron bridge collapsed and the Pacific Express fell 70 feet into the frozen Ashtabula River.
He wrote some of the most recorded songs of all time, including "Stardust," "Georgia On My Mind," and "Heart And Soul."
It's regarded as an important evolutionary missing link between fish and four-legged amphibians.
The puzzle was the brainchild of journalist Arthur Wynne, and he modeled it after a word game he had played as a child called "Magic Squares."
Taking his work very seriously, Robinson had a reputation for being hot-tempered when his stories were poorly edited or watered down.
One of the most dramatic comebacks in college football history happened on this day.
It was on this day that Australian Prime Minister Harry Holt disappeared into a sea of bubbles, never to be seen again.
It was on this night that one of the most infamous cartoons of all time aired on Japanese television.