The Cruzan Family's fight for their daughter's right to die helped raise awareness about the need for advanced health directives and living wills.
All in Science
It's regarded as an important evolutionary missing link between fish and four-legged amphibians.
Edison stepped up to the machine and blurted out the first thing that popped into his head.
People had been having sex change operations since at least the 1920s, but what made Jorgensen's case stand out was the use of hormone therapy in combination with the surgical procedures.
Captain Joseph Kittinger of the United States Air Force jumped out of a helium balloon at 102,800 feet and performed the highest, fastest and longest skydive that had ever been attempted.
In 1979, America's first space station, the 100-ton Skylab, came crashing back to Earth.
It was an excellent swimmer, but rather clumsy on land, which made it easy prey for eagles, polar bears and humans.
A hazmat crew rolled into the suburban address and carefully dismantled a workspace that had been used by a 17-year-old Eagle Scout to create a primitive nuclear reactor.
The Italian astronomer Galileo died hundreds of years ago, but he's been giving us his middle finger ever since.
This was the day that two men went to the deepest place on earth.
The first successful flight across the English Channel was on this day.
The only known fatal accident involving a nuclear reactor in America happened on this day.