46 people died as cars and trucks plunged 100 feet into the near-freezing water of the Ohio River.
It was on this day in Los Angeles that the Baldwin Hills Reservoir crumbled apart and released 250,000,000 gallons of water into the surrounding neighborhoods.
The Chinese River Dolphin or Baiji was declared functionally extinct on this day.
His ground-breaking development of a disease-resistant wheat strain helped save a billion people from starving.
Lines drawn in the sand inspired a system that powers worldwide commerce.
An anti-Nukes activist seized the landmark in hopes of drawing attention to his cause.
The Winecoff Hotel was supposed to be safe, but it turned out to be the deadliest hotel in U.S. history.
The photograph is one of only a few that shows the planet fully illuminated.
Edison stepped up to the machine and blurted out the first thing that popped into his head.
This was the night that the historic Montreux Casino on the shore of Lake Geneva, Switzerland burned to the ground.
The federal government would spend $32 million to relocate the citizens, plus another $110 million on the subsequent cleanup.
People had been having sex change operations since at least the 1920s, but what made Jorgensen's case stand out was the use of hormone therapy in combination with the surgical procedures.