Wardrobe Malfunction

Wardrobe Malfunction

February 1, 2004 - It was on this day during halftime of Super Bowl XXXVIII that 90 million viewers were shocked and awed by Janet Jackson's breast.

Jackson was performing with Justin Timberlake who had just sung the lyric, "gonna have you naked by the end of this song," when he reached out and yanked off Jackson's bustier and bra.

Both Jackson and Timberlake would later claim that the flashing was an accident, but many suspect that it was an elaborate stunt designed to stir up controversy. Whatever the case, Jackson's breast lit the internet on fire as millions of people searched for another glimpse. TiVo received 35,000 new subscribers in the aftermath.

The FCC tried to fine CBS over a half-million dollars for the crime against modesty, but they didn't prevail.

Road Trouper

Road Trouper