Teenage Sniper

Teenage Sniper

April 25, 1965 - Early in the morning on this day, 16-year-old Michael Andrew Clark climbed to the top of a hill overlooking Highway 101 outside Orcutt, California. He had a Swedish rifle with a telescopic sight and a pistol. When the sun came up he began shooting at cars.

3 people, including a 5-year-old boy would die and 6 would be wounded before deputies rushed the hilltop. Clark killed himself as they closed in.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, investigators struggled to find an answer for why the straight-A high schooler snapped. Unfortunately, this remains a mystery. All we know is that late on the night before his reign of terror, Clark removed his father's rifle from a locked safe in their Long Beach home. He climbed into the family car and headed north.

Just after sunrise, Clark was hiding in the tall grass along a slope with a wide view of the highway. The shooting spree lasted 2 hours before the gunman shot himself between the eyes.

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