"We want beer!"
May 14, 1932 - With unemployment at record levels and an economy in the crapper, 100,000 New Yorkers took to the streets on this day. Their message was loud and clear, "We want beer!"
In addition to creating thousands of jobs, the legalization of beer would go a long way toward improving the mood of a nation mired in the Great Depression. Government bureaucrats also saw the wisdom, as alcohol taxes would generate much-needed revenue.
Another demonstration in Detroit had marchers chanting, "Who wants a bottle of beer?" The crowd would then roar back, "I do!"
The debate would rage for another 11 months. In fact, the "wet vote" helped put Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the White House. Upon his election, he immediately tasked Congress with repealing Prohibition.
Just past midnight on April 7, 1933, Americans could finally have their beer. On the first day alone, New Yorkers guzzled 1.5 million barrels.
As a token of thanks to President Roosevelt, a special shipment was sent to the White House by brewer, August A. Busch. The festive red wagon was pulled by 6 Clydesdale horses - an image that the brand has now immortalized.