UFO Attacks Atlas

UFO Attacks Atlas

September 15, 1964 - It was on this night that a UFO intercepted an Atlas rocket during a test flight at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Lt. Robert Jacobs supervised a team that filmed the test using a radar-guided telescope that kept pace with the speeding rocket. Two days after the launch he was summoned by his superior, Major Florenz Mansmann. Along with some mysterious men from Washington, they sat down and watched the film Jacobs had captured of the Atlas rocket in flight. Amazingly, as the rocket streaked across the sky at over 12,000 miles an hour, a mysterious saucer-shaped object began circling the missile. The UFO appeared to emit bright flashes of light that struck the rocket - then the odd craft disappeared.

The Atlas rocket immediately began to malfunction. It tumbled out of its trajectory and crashed into the Pacific - 100 miles short of its intended target.

Jacobs was instructed to keep what he had seen secret. The men from Washington gathered up the film and left the room.

17 years would pass before Jacobs finally broke his silence about the incident. Mansmann also confirmed that he had seen the footage of the UFO and his recollection of the viewing is consistent with Jacobs.

The actual film of the UFO buzzing the Atlas rocket has never found its way to the public, but here's a video interview with Bob Jacobs describing how it all unfolded:

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