Adamski's First Encounter

Adamski's First Encounter

October 9, 1946 - On this night a fry cook/philosopher named George Adamski witnessed a large cigar-shaped "mother ship" flying through the sky near Mt. Palomar in California.

This would be the first of many UFO encounters for Adamski. One of his most remarkable sightings came in 1952 when Adamski claimed to have befriended a blond humanoid named Orthon. Together they embarked on a sight-seeing tour of the solar system.

Perhaps the most fascinating elements of Adamski's alien adventures are the photographs that he captured. He snapped some amazingly detailed images of what might be flying saucers, flying hubcaps or pieces of a vacuum cleaner. Who knows?

Adamski wrote about his experiences in two books. The first was a science fiction romp entitled Pioneers of Space: A Trip to the Moon, Mars and Venus. Adamski later took sections of that work and layered them into a "non-fiction" novel called Flying Saucers Have Landed.

As the UFO craze took off in the 1950s, Adamski rode the wave to fame. He traveled the world and lectured millions of people. He even claimed to have an audience with Pope John XXIII.

In his later years Adamski fell from favor as many researchers and skeptics discredited his stories and photographs. He died in 1965.

A Safe Death

A Safe Death

Iry Lejeune

Iry Lejeune