The Grinning Man

The Grinning Man

November 2, 1966 - It was dark on Interstate 77. Woodrow Derenberger was driving home after a long work day. He was on the outskirts of Parkersburg, West Virginia when he was jolted by a loud crashing sound. Suddenly, something roared up from behind him and cut in front of his truck. As Derenberger's eyes focused he could see that it was neither a car nor a motorcycle. Instead, he would describe what appeared more like an "old fashioned kerosene lamp chimney."

Then a door slid open on the side of the strange object. A bizarre looking man stepped out and approached Derenberger. The stranger was about 6 feet tall and had very tanned skin and slicked back hair. Most notably, he was grinning from ear to ear.

The Grinning Man communicated with Derenberger telepathically and told him that his name was Cold. He said that he would visit Derenberger later, then he stepped back inside his odd contraption and left.

This and other strange encounters with mysterious grinning beings are detailed in John A. Keel's 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies.

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National Pornographic