Trinity Test

In the first successful test of an atomic weapon, the concrete and steel of the testing tower was vaporized instantly and the floor of the desert was turned into a bowl of glass 10 feet thick and 1000 feet wide.

Cosmic Blast

An extremely large solar flare (as if there's ever a small one) was followed by mind-blowing mass ejection that blasted billions of tons of atomic particles toward the Earth at 3 million miles per hour.

Boating with Alice

While floating on an offshoot of the River Thames, Charles Dodgson (A.K.A Lewis Carroll) came up with an improvised tale that would one day morph into the classic book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Sickles' Leg

During the Battle of Gettysburg, a Confederate cannonball mangled the right leg of General Daniel Sickles. He would go on to lead an illustrious and controversial life.