Red Vituperation

Vice President Richard Nixon was attacked by an angry mob in Venezuela. The incident occurred during a goodwill tour of South America.

Man on Kite

A 34-year-old carpet salesman from Kentucky went for a wild ride on a kite. The flight lasted for 12 hours and covered 390 miles.

The White Bird

Two French aviators attempted the first trans-atlantic flight from Paris to New York. Their fate is one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time.

Death by Clam

A diver named Etem got his hand stuck inside a giant clam and drowned. The giant pearl he was clutching is now valued at approximately $40,000,000.

Rolls Meets Royce

Rolls owned one of England's first car dealerships. Royce was a mechanical engineer who had just built a 2-cylinder car that greatly impressed Rolls.

Deeper Blue

Garry Kasparov, the reigning chess champion, began a six-game series against the IBM computer known as Deep Blue.

Deadly Hail

246 people died under the lethal barrage. Most of the victims had been working in the fields when the storm hit without warning.

The Frank Slide

At 4:10 in the morning a massive chunk of limestone peeled off the east face of Turtle Mountain in Alberta, Canada. In 100 seconds, 90 million tons of rock came crashing down the mountain and buried the sleepy coal mining town of Frank.