Grue Church

Panic ensued as churchgoers struggled to reach the exits, but the inward opening doors hampered the evacuation. The church would burn to the ground in less than 20 minutes.

Mary Campbell

At age 10 she was kidnapped by a band of Delaware Indians. After 6 years living among her captors, she was reunited with her real family.

Close Call

A 30-foot wide meteor came within 93,000 miles of hitting Earth. On the cosmic scale, that's a pretty close call.


More than a cubic mile of rock blasted into the sky, leaving behind a gigantic horseshoe crater. The force of the Mount St. Helen's blast was equal to 1600 atomic bombs.

Death Above Manhattan

One of the coolest ways to travel from Manhattan to JFK Airport used to be a 7-minute helicopter flight that took off from the helipad on top of the Pan Am Building.

General Order No. 28

During the Civil War, the Union Army occupied New Orleans under the command of Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler, who issued an infamous order.

The First Flyer?

A year and a half before the Wright Brothers' famous flight at Kitty Hawk, an eccentric character named Lyman Gilmore took off in his steam-powered plane - or so he claimed.