First SOS

In 1909 a wireless operator named T.D. Haubner sent the first SOS call from an American steamship. The incident happened off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

Ghost on Film?

In 1991, Mari Huff and some fellow members of the Ghost Research Society were in the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Illinois when they captured an eerie image of someone or something sitting on a tombstone.

Glider King

Otto Lilienthal, the aviation pioneer, was the first person to successfully design, build and fly a working hang glider.


Josef Carl Engressia, Jr made a huge name for himself as one of the pioneers in the world of Phone Phreaks.

Le Griffon

In 1679, French explorer Robert de La Salle set sail on a 45-ton barque called Le Griffon. It became the first sailing ship to cross Lake Erie and Lake Huron.

The Burning of Junius

In 1628, Johannes Junius, the Mayor of Bamberg was burned alive for being a witch. He was one of hundreds of people who were executed in Germany as part of the infamous Bamberg witch trials.

The End of Shambo

In 2007 a long contentious battle was waged between British goverment officials and the the Hindu leaders of a temple who were adamantly opposed to the killing of their sacred bull.

The Pine Tar Incident

It was the top of the 9th, and the Kansas City Royals were down 4-3 to the Yankees. George Brett cracked a 2-run homer to take a 5 to 4 lead at Yankee Stadium. New York's manager, Billy Martin, approached the umpire and requested that he take a closer look at Brett's bat.

Steve Pulls a Brodie

In 1886, a Bowery bookie named Steve Brodie jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge and survived. This amazing feat earned him instant fame, which he milked for the rest of his life.